How can hospitals benefit from LED lights?

Hostpital LED Lighting

LED lights are not only meant to reduce electricity cost but also make the environment safe for everyone.

Hospitals are known to use Incandescent or fluorescent which not only consume lots of energy but can cause more illness to people by people who are already sick. The bulbs are used to light every place from the offices, hallways, patient rooms and bathrooms. Hospitals can switch to LED lighting which do not have many negative effects unlike other bulbs. Here are some benefits of LED lights for hospitals.

  • LED bulbs are not harmful therefore no health risks. Fluorescent lights contain mercury that can be harmful to patients in case the bulb breaks and the patient comes into contact with the mercury. If the mercury is inhaled or comes into contact with the skin it is very toxic and can harm the skin. Other bulbs also emit UV radiation in small doses which can damage the skin, eyes and hospital materials. The cumulative exposure to small dosage of UV radiation can cause skin damage to an already ill person.
  • Saving on energy bills. Many LED batteries are self-controlled, meaning they can dim incase the room has enough natural right where the patient will enjoy gentle lighting. Hospitals can be able to meet specific needs by setting the right required or the color needed where they can choose RGB LED that have variable color temperature products. LED can be very useful in CT scans and MRI rooms where they create a relaxing atmosphere that will save on energy and give the patient and doctor comfort.
  • Reduce downtime moments due to maintenance and damages. LED last about 40-50 times longer comparing to other lights. It is not affected by environmental conditions unlike incandescent and fluorescent that are damaged by bad environmental condition. When maintaining LED lights there is no need to buy new part because the parts can be recycled. Hospital rooms can be equipped with dimmers and motion controls which can be consume a lot of energy when idle. If an LED light is installed it can dim whenever the equipment is not working preventing the equipment from damages.
  • Hospitals require quality right. For hospitals to give the best care and attention to its patients, they require a comfortable environment that has a certain standard of lighting. Surgeons require an environment that has the light color temperature with no shadows and glares. If the surgeon is in a comfortable environment the patient is also safe and when the bulbs are in a dim mode the patient feels the environment is soothing.

The benefits and advantages of LED in hospitals cannot be outweighed starting from energy saving, low maintenance, patients comfort and the doctors conducive working environment. Hospitals that have started using LED lights have seen dramatic changes in lighting bills, improvement in patient care, conducive environment for everyone and staff satisfaction. With all these benefits this is the right time for hospitals that care about the well-being of people around to switch to LED.