3 Codes You Need to Know to Effectively Reduce Energy Costs

With the ongoing support for energy efficiency, more people are making the switch to LED lighting. This is coupled with codes and standards, which enforce requirements to ensure the United States head towards a greener direction. Provisions vary between states and can affect a contractor’s ability to use certain building designs and parts. Therefore, it’s important to know what conditions you need to fulfill. Here are the three major codes to consider when taking on new construction projects or renovations.


In 2000, the ICC drafted the International Energy Conservation Code to promote mechanical and lighting systems efficiency. It also encourages the use of new materials and techniques. The IECC is considered a “model” code because it was developed by national experts through public hearings. It also makes following the latest building practices easy. Thus, the IECC is the most popular energy efficiency code in the United States, having been adopted by 28 states. States follow different versions of the IECC by year depending on its needs.


The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers enforces the use of better indoor-environment-control technology. Its guideline project committees create standards concerning emission reduction, energy conservation, air quality, and thermal comfort. Like the IECC, states follow differing year versions of the ASHRAE 90.1.

State Specific Standards

Some states don’t directly adopt either of the codes above, but rather use them as a base to create their own energy efficiency requirements. This allows them the flexibility of revising standards to fit the state’s needs. States can choose to make small changes to directly adopted codes as well.

The one extreme in code compliance is Title 24, California’s proprietary energy efficiency code. This standard is the strictest one of all energy codes because of the state’s hard push to reduce energy consumption. Because of this, Title 24 enforces requirements such as automatic shutdowns and use of lighting dimmers/switches.

No matter what state you reside in, you’ll need to do your own research to learn what codes to comply with. And while they don't necessarily demand using commercial LED lighting, these requirements ensure that we take steps toward a cleaner world to live in.

Now that you know what standards you might need to follow, come back next week when we explore fun uses of LED lighting. Don’t forget to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and LinkedIn for tips and updates!